IRYS pod provides the ultimate reassurance and comfort for your workforce, with the integration of virus killing UV-C light
The IRYS pod, a unique modular concept, remains at the forefront of innovation and design since its launch in 2016.
As we face new challenges in the workplace, IRYS has been reconfigured to incorporate the latest generation of UV-C lighting to ensure the space is rigorously sanitised between meetings to maintain the highest levels of hygiene, crucially preventing the spread of viruses.
Following extensive research with the original designers, Rainlight, and a team of lighting experts, Clestra has introduced a UV-C lighting component to IRYS ensuring that between meetings the IRYS pod can be sanitised, ridding the space of harmful pathogens.
UV-C is highly effective at killing bacteria and viruses by destroying the molecular bonds that connect its DNA, it is a staple method of sterilisation that is used in hospitals, airplanes and factories every day, and it is fast becoming a vital factor in fighting COVID-19.
Bluetooth technology is utilised to operate and integrate the conventional LED with the UV-C lamp system.
It is impossible to switch both channels on at the same time which is critical as UV-C lighting is harmful to humans.
The control system can ensure that the IRYS is clear of human presence prior to switching the UV-C lighting source on for a 15 to 20 mins cleansing cycle, once complete the space is ready for immediate use.
The original design by Rainlight, was always intended to offer the ultimate flexibility in design as well as the capability to adapt to the latest tech and innovation, whether that be airflow management, electrical wiring, AV equipment as well as storage and this latest iteration is evidence of that.
Yorgo Lykouria, Founder and Creative Director of Rainlight says “We created IRYS as a transformational device in the workplace to facilitate social interaction.
“As the most important aspect of workplace is the sharing of ideas, we are looking for ways to overcome the current challenges and allow business to flow as usual.
“Our latest iteration gives the user additional assurance that they are in a safe space free from harmful bacteria and viruses.”
Research and use of UVC to kill coronavirus droplets is widespread.
Published by The Grand Folks Herald, UV is being used in the US to decontaminate surfaces on public transport, and in hospitals where infectious droplets may have landed, as well as being used to disinfect N95 masks for reuse.
However, use of this technology has not yet become the norm, as many are still not in-the-know about what this technology can do for us during this time of crisis.
The technology could really benefit those in various industries, encouraging people slowly back into society.
A Seattle-based restaurant, Marlaina’s Mediterranean Kitchen, recently installed a product known as a ‘killing zone.’
This product emits invisible electromagnetic energy which penetrates the air, ready to drive away coronavirus and other dangerous pathogens that come into contact with it in miniscule, airborne particles.
So it’s not just about encouraging office-based workers back to the office, but also encouraging people to get out leisurely as well as introducing this technology into other workplaces, while feeling that establishments are taking precautions to consider health, safety and cleanliness when it matters more than ever.
Businesses that have the ability to up their focus on hygiene at such a crucial time could have an advantage at a time where people want to feel at ease if they are making the decision to spend time in public places.
Studies are showing that the use of UV light could be key to reopening indoor spaces, as Columbia University Irving Medical Center published a study in Scientific Reports which reported that more than 99.9 percent of coronaviruses in airborne droplets were killed when exposed to far-UVC light — a wavelength that is safe to use around humans — continuously, for around 25 minutes.
About Clestra Hauserman Group
Clestra Hauserman Group designs, manufactures and installs workspace and cleanroom solutions, and has done for over a century.
It is a pioneer in prefabrication and environmental performance for the building industry.
With its three factories in Europe and Asia, it is able to carry out the projects of the most prestigious workplaces in the world, and maintains in each country a quality of services that made its reputation.
Concerned of the environment and the well-being of the users, the Clestra Hauserman Group contributes to obtaining labels (LEED, BREEAM, HQE) on many buildings and its factories are certified ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
The Clestra Hauserman Group supports its customers in the long term for all their organisational changes thanks to multi-competent SERVICE teams who are specialised in relocation of spaces in occupied environments.
About Rainlight
Rainlight is an integrated product design studio operating between offices in London and New York, with client collaborations across North America, Europe, and Asia. It was born two years ago with a vision to align its business initiatives with further recognition in the design profession.